Tuesday, December 19, 2006


I finally completed the first draft of my script for the short film «Confessions of a Midnight Cannibal» yesterday. It’s only thirteen pages, but I have been struggling a bit, quite a bit with it. I don’t know why exactly. Perhaps it’s a bit of new ground for me, even though the art of Transgression has been a favorite of mine for some time (since forever, really).

The title says it all, really. We experience in graphic details the cannibal’s preparations, implementation and digestion in his quest for the perfect meal.

Our hero is a civilized man, quite the dedicated connoisseur and witty conversationalist, a chef that takes his chores seriously, doing it all himself, the entire process from A to Z. The selection of the meat and various materials, the setting of the table, the works. It’s all his to struggle with and enjoy. I can certainly sympathize with this perfectionist, this maker of meals, even though I don’t share his zeal.

Filming will commence this upcoming summer or the next, depending on various factors. It can be made extremely cheap, which was the plan from the start, even though economics continue to be an issue. So is casting, inevitably. We need a large man, with a large cock, and we probably need a special effects man, even though that won’t necessarily be mandatory. And the man with the large cock needs to have a special voice and modulation. That’s crucial, as well. His voice and modulation, that is. The setting is a large advantage. The film can be made anywhere in the world. Flexibility is a must for a small, independent filmmaker, auteur.

There are only two roles to cast, the meat eater, and the meat. And the meat has no lines.

People having read the script describe it as «deeply disturbing». Very good.

Another guy asked what the message was, what message I wanted to convey to my breathless audience. Message? I replied ironically. I can sort of understand his question, since I tend to be a message man. That doesn’t mean I want to send one every second of the day, though. And there is actually a message here, one he strangely failed to see: I want to transgress any sense of normality in what I do, and I want mundane people to choke on their normality. Easy as pie.

This is a small piece of a larger story, really, one that will hopefully be made later, one of several movies I have written and intend to write in need of (larger) funding.

We’re going to make this enjoyable film, and put it on the Internet for all to watch. Since it will most certainly not be shown in any «decent» theater or festival. It’s an excellent beginning for our string of controversial, very controversial films.

The film division of Midnight Fire Media is finally about to take off.


Betty Boom said...

Bare lurer litt sånn Høflig på om du er hyperaktiv eller noe.

Lykke til med filmingen.

Betty :-)

Amos Keppler said...

Hvis du mener å antyde at jeg har mange jern i ilden, så stemmer nok det. :)

Takk. :):):)